About Us

We provides a comprehensive mode of ERP services at the most reasonable cost.

We strive to build the most efficient ERP brand for our customers in various circumstances. BAAESOFT continuously improves its market share by optimizing available resources, promptly capturing updated information and offering cost saving initiatives to customers.


We are always ready to cooperate and give specific, practical and useful advice to customers.

* Business administration consulting

- Our experts with many years of experience, will survey the current state of your business and give advice, to help your business operate in accordance with the Scientific, Rigorous, Effective Process, cost savings,...

* Consulting to monitor ERP management system

- Your business does not have a dedicated staff to administer the computer system, let us do it professionally, ensuring your work will not be interrupted. We will provide security advice, periodic maintenance, information security check. With just the right cost, you won't need to hire a specialized staff with high costs,..

* Information technology system consulting

- In order for an agency or enterprise to operate effectively and achieve high productivity in administration and management, it is necessary to have a strong, modern, standard and secure IT infrastructure. Therefore, we will provide consulting services to build and coordinate the implementation of appropriate and effective IT investment roadmaps for customers. By always applying the latest technologies, we will bring to our customers effective IT solutions with the lowest investment costs


Survey, consult management system, choose software implementation solutions

- BAAESOFT consultants work personally with each of our clients to analyze the problems facing their operations and the business goals they want to realize.

- We then work together with our clients to find the best strategies for reaching those goals while developing and customizing an Odoo platform to help optimize their business processes and promote improved business habits.

- Our teams are invested in understanding your requirements, and tailoring our approach to your specific needs and objectives. We will analyze your organization as an entire system, allowing us to find relationships between components and processes, cascading effects of decisions, and opportunities that may be hidden at department or management levels.

Contact Us

103/218, Cho Kham Thiem street, Trung Phung ward, Dong Da district , Hanoi


